Hold'em Trainer

Refine your game
Create your own custom poker ranges and train them on Hold'em Trainer.
1. Define your strategy
In our editor you will be able to define ranges such as the one presented here. Feel free to select another example from the drop down menu. Each cell in the matrix corresponds to a particular combo of hole cards. Each larger grid cell contains combos with cards of the same value, and each smaller cell specifies the exact suits.
The cells in the top right corner declare which action we want to take how often in this spot. The cells in the bottom left give an indication of how frequently we find ourselves having each combo in this scenario.
Hover over the items in the legend below the matrix to get a clear view of what we would like to do with each combo in the range.
2. Train it
In the trainer app, you will see the scenario related to the range from step 1. You can click on the arrows at the top of the simulator to navigate through the hand's history.
Use the answer buttons in the bottom to test yourself on the strategy presented in step 1.
If the strategy for a specific combo is mixed (e.g. 50% fold and 50% call), use the random number generator above the answer buttons to reach a decision. In the given example, any number from 0.1 to 50.0 would indicate a fold, and any number from 50.1 to 100.0 would indicate a call.
After after each correct answer the demo will provide you with a new range to try out.
Preflop & Postflop
Hold'em Trainer allows you to build ranges for any spot that can occur in a 6-max game. This includes postflop scenarios. Shown is a C-betting range for UTG vs BB play after the BB has checked the Ks Js 9h flop.

All Combos in one View
The suits of your hole cards play an important role in post-flop play. Flushes, flush draws, and back-door flush draws are frequent, and important blockers such as the Ace of a particular suit can give valuable information as to whether an opponent is more or less likely to bluff in a given spot.
Traditional ranges only show information on whether the holecards are suited or not. With our range viewer it is possible to view all of the information at once.
Detailed Categories
The Hold'em Trainer Editor is complete with a suit of hand categories that allow you to easily select the combos you want to edit. The categories also provide valuable insights as to how the ranges corresponding to the different actions are made up.

Full control for every level
The Hold'em Trainer Editor allows for fine grain control of the desired strategy. But this also means that newer players are able to create very simple ranges to start with, and build their game at a steady pace. More detail can always be introduced later on.